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tv   [untitled]    November 12, 2012 7:30pm-8:00pm EST

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welcome back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour as americans coast to coast struggle to survive under the mounting pressures of debt one group is taking action always occupy wall street helping to rescue underwater homeowners and debt ridden college grads and c.e.o.'s believe they have the right to abuse their employees into the basic rights like access to health care how do we change this mentality corporate america so that workers are treated like human beings and that. the united states has a serious debt problem and i'm not talking about our national debt which is
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a long term problem that can be solved through pro growth policies and government investment i'm talking about the weight of debt that's burdening working americans across our nation students are dealing with over a trillion dollars in outstanding student loan debt and of course there are millions of indebted homeowners who are falling behind in their underwater mortgage payments but now the occupy movement is coming to the rescue the physical occupations have disappeared the movement has been busy helping americans of void foreclosure and providing disaster relief post hurricane sandy and now they are unveiled a new initiative they're calling it the rolling jubilee joining me now for more on this initiative is yates we keep organizer of strike debt and coeditor of title occupy theory occupy strategy it's welcome. hello tom jubilant greetings from new york city thank you do you think maybe first we should actually describe where the word you believe came from. sure soju believe comes. you know it has an ancient
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religious tradition of periodic cancellations of all debts to sort of wipe the slate clean and to start afresh when debts become so crippling as to actually put the entire society at risk it's in the bible every every seven times seven years every fifty year that's or are forgiven and all the slaves were freed and every every all the wealth was equalized as well as to tell us about the work of strike that yes ok so strike that and you can learn more about our project that strike dot org is an offshoot of occupy wall street that takes aim at the predatory debt system in all of its forms what we like to say is debt is the tie that binds the ninety nine percent whether you think of health care debt housing debt credit card debt medical debt student debt even municipal debt the ways in which budgetary austerity affects our lives that debt is a kind of common denominator that really that forces us to go into the debt system
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to really for the basic things we need to live our lives so we're taking a myth that there are a number of initiatives including research in education we have something called the debt resisters operations manual that is available on our website strike dot org as well as a direct actions that financial targets and big banks but also we have something called the rolling jubilee now i can't say much about it at the moment we're holding back a little bit but there's been a lot of buzz online about it the last few days that i would encourage people to go to rolling jubilee dot org and look at some of the conversations that are starting to happen you know we really were trying to create some space for a real political discussion about this crisis of indebtedness that the ninety nine percent is living through will be kicking off the rolling jubilee with a telethon called the people's bailout this thursday and you can find more information about that on the rolling jubilee dot org site and donations are already starting to come in so we encourage. folks who live donate there as well as
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strike that dot org and in fact i went there as a sefton and made a generation i think it's a marvelous thing we're doing given the lack of unionization in organization for mass general strikes are class collective dead actions the best way to raise awareness and serve. i think i think it really begins with the conversation about debt because you know one of the things about the debt system is the way in which it makes us feel ashamed alone isolated and part of the project of strike that just the first principle really is coming out of the shadows starting the conversation creating a space where debtors can find one another and start to talk about in a way that's about politics and not about the idea that you're a moral failure if you go into debt because you need health care or an education for your kids' college or for a place to live so to the conversation is the first thing but we're starting to talk really also about forms of economic noncompliance with debt and so many people are defacto already defaulting anyway so it's interesting to put it in relation to
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the question of the strike as you mentioned i'm not sure if we're there yet for something like a debt strike but in a way it's you know there's already a crisis going on around it we're trying to sort of political conversation about it . it's in just the half of that thirty seconds we have left are there alternatives to current that system. well a key principle that we emphasize is mutual aid of helping one another out our debts are to our friends in our families and communities not to the one percent so what we're seeing right now with occupy sandy the massive outpouring of relief and help in solidarity and community building that's that's really what's going to make resistance to the system possible so when we say strike that we also say we love our friends or families in our communities there's a negative and a positive affirmative vision that we have with the rolling jubilee as people will learn in the coming days will be an important component of that but it's just one strand. lane jubilee or gates wiki thank you so much thanks so much.
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since wall street got bailed out and main street got sold out average americans are drowning in enormous debt good on occupy for doing something about go to rolling jubilee or to get blown. so sometimes you know what you know and sometimes you know what you don't know and sometimes as the fire thought peter says everything you know is wrong and i don't think you know what you are you're right. i'll just say that you're right. and you know it is wrong. so we all know that conservatives are obsessed with controlling other people's body parts and controlling what goes on in the confines of other people's bedrooms but as a result it expects a conservative downright prude when it comes to everything sex related and be far from willing to get a little while surely there can't be any conservatives in this country who have a deep burning desire to get there. and follow hugh hefner's playbook right well if you think that a conservative can't become part of the sexual fringe in this country that
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everything you know is wrong joining me now is suzy spencer conservative journalist new york times best selling author and author of the book secrets sex lives a year on the fringes of american sexuality susie welcome thank you why did you decide to start exploring the fringes of american sexuality i'm going to blame it on my literary agent but in truth i had been writing true crime for almost ten years and that gets you really depressed and i wanted to laugh and i thought writing about sex would make me laugh well that's interesting did the did this have anything to do with your self identified terror of touch. because i have been in therapy for god knows how many years trying to get over all of this and get in touch with sort of my sexual being i guess you would say and it never had worked so as a journalist our as a writer i feel like you're supposed to go out there and investigate things that scare you so what better than sex. how did you start the process where you go to
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where to go first. i went online i went to craigslist and i typed in on the casual encounters need to talk about sex and then explain that i was an author looking to interview people about the most intimate details of their sex lives and to my great shock people answered wow and how did you grow over the course of the. one thing i learned is that people we think we're completely different from we have something in common because i would have never thought that i would become friends with a dominate trix who is a wiccan because i'm southern baptist and we have developed a great friendship and she is one of the most supportive people in my life. so that's one area then also i learned about not judging people so much because just because somebody has one little teeny tiny area of their life that
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they're a little bit freaky and kinky and doesn't mean they're not a great person who's not contributing a lot to society. what were you most surprised by in terms of what you discovered in your area. one of the things that surprised me was that. people of men that we think as rough and tumble heterosexual for example in texas texas good old boy that they have a desire to be with men they're happily married they love their wives like crazy but they fantasize about being with men. and i think that's one of the things that surprised me the most it is a kind of a larry craig syndrome the repressed actually gay man who is living a false life or is this a secret bisexuality or what i've been eating it might be bisexuality i don't think that they're gay one thing i learned is that a lot of gay men don't consider married and i mean married to women. and gay and
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less they're into kissing and most of these guys aren't sure when well i'm trying to figure out what i can and can't say on t.v. . but. they they feel like men can provide. sex acts that they understand better how's that for beating around the bush either . but it's. hard to talk about it and so they think that men will know how to please them better as well as the fact that they're just curious and it doesn't mean they don't want to be with women a lot of them will say hey i just want sex whoever's available man or woman i'll take it it doesn't matter that's that's for interesting why do you think in general most conservatives are up tight about sex or is it the exact opposite are they secretly obsessed with it and for him to admit it. i think we're probably all obsessed with it now afraid to admit it one thing that i learned during this that was another shocker is how little sex partners talk about sex that they
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have these secret desires that they are terrified to express to their loved ones because they are afraid of being shamed ridiculed kicked out of the family or whatever and so they have these secret lives that they go out you know and explore . and i want to say like in light of the trail somewhere else going on. you're going to get caught i don't care if you're a man or a woman whatever you're doing. in this day and age of internet. videos cell phones you're going to eventually get caught so you might as well admit it what you're going to do or what you want to do interesting what should people take away from your books and. main thing i want for people to get is communication how imperative it is to talk about sex particularly if so if you're not even
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married yet but you're dating someone. if you have a thing that you want to be whipped or to were if you're a guy and you want to wear purple paint these are whatever and you're not going to be sexually fulfilled or happy about this and it's going to be something that sort of tugs at your marriage your entire life talk about it before you get married because i have been to parties where i have seen cross-dressing who are escorted in and happily by their beautiful wives so there are people out there who will accept your kinks so go find that person who's going to make you happy there you go see the spencer thanks for joining me tonight thank you now everything you know about conservatives in america is sexual fringe is right. coming up would you want to eat at a restaurant where employees were sick because they didn't of access to health insurance probably not but one restaurant c.e.o. gets his way you might just have to explain and i was deleted.
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you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything
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you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harkin welcome to the big picture. here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a dollar. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot about my country music stars are a fool you know what kind of mind their terrorist cells in your neighborhood all want the usa to feature a song be on live all the christian point you. can stick your beliefs about it because it's going to fall for you to distract us from what you and i should care about because their profit driven industry that sells of sensationalistic garbage
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because of breaking news i'm having martin and we're going to break that. and welcome back president obama may have carried ohio this year but republicans are trying to make sure democrats don't ever carry that state again in future elections i was secretary of state john who stood is proposing changing how his state rewards electoral college from its rather than winner take all who stood wants one electoral college vote awarded for each congressional district one so for example ohio has sixteen congressional districts so its electoral college votes would be doled out based on which candidate won each district plus two votes going
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to the overall winner of the state this is not a good idea in fact this is a. thanks to republican german during efforts in two thousand and eleven most congressional districts in ohio favor republicans does giving them an edge in this scheme in fact it has to plan where to fact this election romney would have actually won a majority of electoral college votes in ohio despite president obama hugely winning the popular vote in that state. pennsylvania's republican governor tom corbett floated the same idea for his state earlier this year but backed down from this crazy idea under pressure if he was successful though just like in ohio mitt romney would have won the majority of electoral college votes in the state despite losing to president obama in the total vote assuming republican governors in all the swing states have adopted this new vote counting scheme then mitt romney would have won the majority of electoral college votes and thus the presidency in these
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states and ultimately despite president obama winning the popular vote all these states romney would be president the point of all this is just because election day is over this year doesn't mean we can afford to forget about the blatant efforts by republicans to rig present and future elections they will keep trying and we must remain vigilant. as to. its the good the bad in the very very stir tourist slee ugly good occupy wall street as residents of new york continue to suffer from the devastation caused by superstorm sandy the occupy movement is lending a hand o.-w. as members of fanned out across new york city to deliver aid to storm victims while the organization set up many relief centers across the city this partnering with local organizations and community groups to expand the efforts of the federal
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government is doing all it can to help victims of sandy it's great to see occupy again using its grassroots strengths in helping those who knew the most the bad grover norquist no doubt the karl rove is the most to do depressed or perhaps despised man in america after the results of last week's election was despised by republicans but norquist is right behind an interview with c.b.s. this monday and this morning on sunday. chris was asked about president obama's victory here's what he had to say. the president was a committed elected on the basis that he was not romney and that romney was the proof he had and you should vote against romney it's clear through his use of body to argue grover is a little grumpy might have something to do with the twenty four republican senate and fifty five republican house incumbents and candidates who signed his infamous anti-tax pledge and didn't get elected last tuesday and
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a very very ugly robert jeffress the texas megachurch pastor said just before president obama was reelected that his reelection would help bring the anti-christ to america referring to president obama jefferson that quote the course he is choosing to lead our nation is a view in the way for the future reign of the anti-christ and quote basically jeffers things that president obama is conjuring up the devil incarnate in america with his policies i know a pastor jeffers trying to put americans back to work and provide them with access to health care just doesn't seem that evil to me saying that the president is bringing about the devise of our nation though that is very very. republicans want us to think that millionaires ain't hankel c.e.o.
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of applebee's new york franchise an owner of forty applebee's restaurants is a job creator after tank a one of the fox business network last week we know him for who he really is a scrooge you can't be bothered to give his employees health insurance since voters last tuesday rejected house republicans attempts to repeal obamacare it is now to quote speaker of the house john boehner the law of the land that means beginning in two thousand and fourteen corporations across america that employ more than fifty people will have a new civic responsibility under the law to provide health insurance for their workers this is the employer mandate at work health insurance is not a luxury in america obamacare isn't forcing employers to give their workers a new big screen t.v. or monthly spa treatments the law simply recognizes that forty five thousand americans die every year because they don't have health insurance and that large employers those who employ fifty or more people are best equipped to be the source
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of life saving medical care for millions of working americans it's an idea by the way first proposed by that socialist who wanted to take over america's health care system back in one thousand nine hundred eighty one richard nixon in fact providing health insurance to employees is actually a good business decision it not only attracts more qualified workers but also leads to higher job retention rates and higher employee satisfaction. but don't tell zain tenko all about that he's outraged since he employs more than fifty people he will now be required to provide health insurance to his workers which many of his competitors and small businesses already do tend to want to keep screwing his employees than ill at the pay a two thousand dollars freeloader fine for every worker will now have to rely on government programs like medicaid to get the care they need period fox business channel said this about the consequences of obamacare the model's been set i don't
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want to i'm sure all our people are watching this right now so i don't want to make any commitments one way or another i want to simply say we're looking at it we're evaluating it if it's possible to do without cutting people back i'm delighted to do it but that also rolls back expansion it rolls back hiring more people and in the best case scenario we only shrink the labor force minimally. poor is saying tinkle he says that if he's in for if he's forced to give his employees health insurance and he's going to fire some of the first hundred years ago he'd likely have said the same thing about bathroom breaks prison boys were having twelve year olds run his friar's or letting food inspectors into his restaurants the vast majority of americans have clearly concluded that of a business owner can't run his business in the best interests of the community and its workers which includes providing health insurance then he or she doesn't deserve to run a business or used to be a business ethic in america the put the community ahead of profit. it goes back to
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when henry ford wanted to pay his workers enough so that they too could afford the model t. s. they were producing at least henry ford's wife and business partner pushed him into it it's a business at think that was in forced by law when state governments could and often did revoke the charters the corporate charters of businesses that were operating against the best interests of their communities but that ethic has been replaced by wall street's greed is good at that which finds its roots in victorian england and stories like a christmas carol working people are condemned to bob cratchit poverty forced to toil long hours under modern day ebeneezer scrooge is crappy pay and no benefits charles dickens whose father once went to debtors prison would have blown his lunch at the idea of ebeneezer scrooge being honored with a title like job creator and now fox is treating zayn tangle as if he and not his customers is the job creator tanko claims the math just doesn't add up to be able
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to be provided health insurance does employees without firing some of them first there's three ways it has to come back it's real simple if more efficiencies reduce overhead or raise prices let's look at each in this environment you can't raise prices particularly in our space it's not possible efficiencies hopefully we've got all our fish efficiencies we've just a three terrible years in the environment in the economy and we've been in foreseeing and putting more and more rain every year so then it's cut back on overhead as in let's either fire people or pay them even less tackle doesn't want to admit he actually has more than three ways to pay for health insurance. first of all al the german says tax deductible you can pay less taxes secondly you can cut his own salary he can also reduce the dividends he pays to his stockholders the math is there but tackle would have to reconsider his own greed and since scrooge
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wouldn't do those things neither will tank thank i was also stupidly acting as if he's the only one who will be affected by obamacare all big businesses will have to cover their employees health insurance now so whatever business it apples b.s. takes will also be felt by his competitors so is it no disadvantage whatsoever but on outlets like fox business the victims of this insane right wing thinking aren't the forty five thousand americans who die every year because they don't have health insurance no instead the victims are the multi-millionaires like zane tank we're going to at the sacrifice some of their bottom line to keep their employees healthy . is this the most challenging time you've ever seen it is it is and we measure the regulations all the regulations unlike what you hear in the conservative media outlets president obama has not deployed his brown shirts to confiscate private property and redistribute zain tangles wealth it hasn't choked out the private
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sector with big government regulations in fact corporate profits under president obama are astronomically high the average annual real corporate profit growth rate since president obama took office is seventy seven point nine percent making him the best president for corporate profits since nineteen hundred in second place is republican warren harding who ran on a campaign platform in one nine hundred twenty of quote less government in business more business in government and quote in corporate profits only surge seventeen percent during harding's term. president obama has been corporate america's best friend after swimming an astronomically high profits corporations and albion as to reinvest some of that wealth back into their employees by providing them with health insurance through lease they can do it's humane and seriously do you really want to eat at a restaurant filled with sick employees so-called job creators like zayn tank will
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have to understand that the letter c.e.o. in front of their names do not give them the right to abuse workers or exploit them as political pawns those letters indicate that they do business in our communities because we the people gave them permission to do so and that we can revoke that permission any time if we so choose corporations as president grote grover cleveland famously said an eight hundred eighty eight state of the union address corporations should be the carefully restrained creatures of the law and the servants of the people and quote zane take a course in american history and space special attention to that part about the rights of workers we ended slavery we ended indentured servitude this country and we've decided that working people are entitled to be treated decently in the workplace even if that means that papa john's founder john shatner may not be able to add another guest house to his castle yet that actually is a picture and that's the way it is tonight monday nov twelfth two thousand and
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twelve don't forget democracy begins when you get out there get active tag you're it suitable. download the official publication so choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. t.v. is not required to watch all its all you need is your mobile device watch on t.v. any time.
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